Monday, February 20, 2012

I Know All That

I am sure one day I will be able to say truthfully, "I know all that," in response to good advice. By today's actions though, I don't yet.

We create our experience of the world by three methods:
 1. Thought
 2. Word
 3. Deed (Action)
And it would be best for me to realize where I am currently, while affirming the true potential of my mind's vigilance in using thought and word to activate deed.

As I am not alone in experiencing the effects of my thoughts (and how I see the world), what I think and say matters not just to myself, and here lies the power of the mind, whether focused on a specific item, or spiraling off into unfocused thoughts. What I think and say helps create the world I and others interact with daily.



  1. "What I think and say helps create the world I and others interact with daily" <3
